Publish with medicine Journal
Author can publish with medicine journal because of below mentioned reason. See our journals.
Open Access Journals
All Journals are full open access. In addition, Once articles are published it will be available online on one click. Moreover, no fee is required for reading and downloading published article.
Citation Benefits: Main advantage of publishing open access is citation advantage. As compared to subscription based journals, open access articles are highly cited as compared to closed one.
Rigorous Peer Review process: We follow rigorous and fast peer review. In fact, This will helps to publish very high quality research work. Most Importantly, Peer review process guarantees high quality research published in international journals. In addition, rapid publishing process is also followed by the production team.
Quick Publishing process
Our Journals follow quick publishing process after article is accepted by the editor. It will take one day for publishing article online and additional one day for print version.
Medical journals free publication: Our journals follow medical journals free publication service to entire author community. In short, we publish all papers free of charge. There is no publishing fee. Only small amount of open access fee is required by the publisher.
Best Journal to publish paper: Medicine Journals provides list of easy and best journal to publish paper. All Journals provide certificate of publishing, indexing of articles, acceptance letter and reviewer comments. In addition, if any other document is required by the university or research place we will provide it to the authors.
Monthly published journals
Most of the Journals are weekly and monthly published so that author paper will be online after article is published. It will further increase the visibility of the article.
Reputable scientific journals: All Reputable scientific journals are recognized by the leading institutions and education places.
Best Journal Publishing Support: Our publishing team, production team and editorial support will help author in every possible way to publish high quality research work in International Journals. All Journals are author friendly.Herbal medicine journals: In addition to herbal medicine journals, Ayurveda medicine journals are also published. It will help to publish recent research and development